yohaku Co., Ltd.

\n (余白) recognizes that in today's fast-paced world, people often lose sight of themselves as they relentlessly pursue productivity and success. Even as AI and technological advancements generate wealth, society accelerates without redistributing time or wealth.

We believe that true happiness and fulfillment lie not in the constant noise of modern life or endless careers, but in the quiet spaces and moments in between.Our mission is to help people rediscover the value of "margins" in their lives. Russell argued that happiness is derived not solely from external achievements, but from contemplation, learning, and meaningful relationships. Similarly, Tolstoy emphasized the importance of living a life guided by one's inner truth and values, rather than conforming to societal expectations. In a society that increasingly demands our attention and energy, cultivating "margins" becomes a revolutionary act.With the understanding that the correct answer changes daily, \n (余白) currently supports individuals in creating the space they need to control their lives and lead fulfilling lives through coaching and counseling services.

Our approach is based on the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, and mindfulness, while fully leveraging the transformative potential of new technologies like AI.\n (余白) strives to expand its influence and provide services to people from all walks of life by utilizing these tools. We constantly seek new ways to help people incorporate the habit of creating "margins" in their daily lives, such as personalized coaching sessions, AI-powered self-reflection tools, community-based moderate distance, and meaningful solitude.

We believe that the future of pioneering the philosophy of the next era lies with those who have the courage to step back from the noise of capitalism, accept and create margins. \n (余白) is not just a company, but a collective intelligence committed to redefining what it means to lead a happy and fulfilling life in an age of information overload.

The company logo, \n, represents the blank spaces or margins created in coding within programming. It embodies the meaning of utilizing AI and technology created for people to generate margins in both the physical and mental aspects of people's lives, whether in the real world or the virtual world. The margins as art exist even in the code that runs computers.Together, let us create a world where "margins" are not only respected but celebrated as the key to unlocking human potential, as envisioned by great thinkers like Russell and Tolstoy. Through the rediscovery and transformation of margins, we continue to be an entity that redefines society.